Making the Rounds

Hey everyone! Sorry that it’s been so long since our last post! Since the last time we wrote, we have been to three churches to present our ministry. This is a huge blessing but it is also super nerve-wracking. We have had some sort of tie to all the churches but most of the people that we see don’t know a single thing about us and vice versa. Now, I don’t know about you, but meeting new people is really difficult for me (Rylie)…But not me (Isaac). Conversations always start out simple, such as “How old are you?”, “Are you excited for this new experience?”, “What do you like to do?”, and so on. After those initial questions and answers, it gets a little harder to find things to say. We truly do want to become friends and create relationships, but since we won’t see each other often, it’s difficult to know what to say and how to keep in contact. One of the churches that we went to had a youth group. They invited us to come eat lunch in the youth room after the service. It was a little awkward at first because they all knew each other but no one knew us. However, once we put our comfort zone aside, the conversation started flowing and it was actually fun. That Sunday was definitely a learning experience and we’re thankful for the opportunity. So, no matter your circumstance, God pushes us out of our comfort zone for a reason and we must praise and glorify Him through it all. It may be awkward at first, but it is definitely worth it!

This past Sunday, we went to our old church to present. Afterwards we went on a tour of the building to see all of the changes that had been made since we’ve been gone (as it had been 10 years). It was so different, but as we walked into one of the classrooms, we saw something very familiar. When each of us were two, we got to put our handprints on the wall in the Sunday School classroom and they were still there!!! We are so excited to go and experience many churches in the future!

-Rylie and Isaac

2 thoughts on “Making the Rounds

  1. I love reading your updates (even though they are far apart)! You’re a good writer! I hope that you are all feeling much better, and that God will continue to enjoy God’s stretching of you with new experiences. Love you!

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